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Usage Fee meter:

Start your journey timer and have it automatically calculate your usage fee based on the time you've had the bike. Set the timer to alert you when your fee increases, even if you've closed the app. A handy icon indicator lets you know the fee at a glance.

Docking Station list:

Automatically ordered so the nearest station appears at the top. All stations display their distance from your current location as well as the number of available bikes and spaces. Easily show the location on the map, show directions from your current location or add to your favorites.


Search for an address or location by keyword then show the route to that location via the nearest ducking stations. Add search locations to your favorites.


Powered by google maps making them fast and easy to use. The map displays all the locations currently provided by TFL. Plot directions from you current location to the nearest docking station, choose a destination from the station list, from your favorites, or use the address search to find a location in London. Directions automatically route through the nearest docking stations. (note: directions currently use a combination of google's "walking" and "driving" routes)


Add any docking station to your favorites list for quick access or use the search facility to add a location of your choice. Delete items from your favorites at any time.

Free version:


A free version of blueLanes is now available, supported by iAds. blueLanesFree has all the features of the blueLanes.

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